There is a multiport on top of your sand filter, simply turn it to backwash and let run for approximately 3-5 minutes. Click here for links to download filter flyers and manuals.
You should always try to leave a 1″ opening between the water level and the top of the skimmer.
If you have a salt system, every 2-3 days. Chlorine System, as needed.
• Before winterizing, be sure you’ve thoroughly cleaned your pool.
• Then, give your pool a good heavy shock treatment.
• Next, once chlorine has dropped back to normal level, add algaecide.
• After that, lower the water down just past the returns. This will get all the water out of the lines to prevent freezing and cracked pipes and it will keep your pool from becoming too full from rain or melting snow.
• Finally, Cover your pool for Winter!
The white spots your seeing are more than likely calcium and Scale build up. This can come from several things, for example: Haveing a salt system on your pool builds up calcium, having flagstone decking can build up calcium and scale, natural or limestone rock outside the pool that water can drain from can also build up calcium and scale.
What to do: You want to give your walls a light burshing every 2-3 days to prevent this from building up. Another option is the GMX SYSTEM. This is something we are recommending to our customers to have installed on their pipes. This is environmentally safe and PREVENTS AND REMOVES EXISTING CALCIUM AND SCALE BUILD UP. Contact LoneStar today to get one for you pool! Take a look at their website for more information. GMX INTERNATIONAL – CALCIUM & SCALE BUILD UP REMOVER
Another option for Calcuim and Scale build up is CALTREAT. This is a Calcium hardness reducer. It effectively reduces calcium hardness without having to drain the pool. It also reduces scale formation from the pool surface while restoring water clarity.